Savvy link placement strategies drive more qualified web traffic
14 May 2021
Sure, it's the industry's leading corporate site selection data tool but ZoomProspector is also so much more. Did you know it's also a compelling open access community data tool? A business intelligence portal to support your small and medium-sized businesses? A source of inexhaustible content for your digital marketing mix? All of these things (and more) are tremendously useful to your target audiences. Here are some easy ways to drive more qualified traffic your way and then ensure they can find what they need on your website.
If you're one of the hundreds of communities, regions, and states around the world using ZoomProspector, you already know why it's the industry's leading online data tool for location analysis. But if the only link to it on your website is described as "Site selector" or "Property Search" or "Sites & Buildings," you are losing opportunities to provide robust, easy-to-analyze data to your community stakeholders and businesses.
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