Royse City Utilities
Utility rates are affordable in Royse City. Competition between providers encourages lower rates and residents and businesses win in this competitive atmosphere.
Royse City is also insulated from some of the storms that can cause disruptions to utility service in the south. Businesses can count on the reliability of our utility service providers.
Electric Companies
In Royse City, Texas, residents and businesses have the option of choosing their electricity provider. This unique system promotes competition and drives energy rates down. It also allows consumers to decide if they want a 100% clean energy option. Providers include Iberdrola Texas, Constellation, and Chariot.
There are multiple companies providing broadband services in Royse City. This allows residents and businesses to select a provider that meets their needs and budget. Providers include AT&T, Spectrum, Earthlink, Frontier, Sudden Link, Hughes Net, Monster Broadband, and more.
Royse City Utility and Water Department
The city provides water and sewer for residents and businesses at affordable rates.
Trash Services
The city provides trash collection services