Royse City ISD Continues to Provide Educational Abundance through Local, Affordable Initiatives
24 Mar 2023
News, Success Stories
Royse City residents will vote to approve plans to expand the current school system on May 6th. As the Dallas Metroplex continues to experience rapid economic and cultural growth, Royse City itself has grown.
With so many businesses, workers, and professionals coming to Royse City for opportunities, families are moving into the region as well. To support the population growth, The Royse City Independent School District continues to make progress through affordable, community-led changes. The two most recent bond elections in 2018 and 2021, for example, resulted in the construction of new schools. In 2018, the Bobby Summers Middle School was approved and built. In 2021, a new Ruth Cherry Elementary building was created, the previous building was repurposed as the Arnold Early Childhood Center, and a 7th elementary school was approved and is now currently under construction.
To continue the needed expansion, residents developed two bond proposals that will be voted on during the May 6th school board election. Most importantly, neither proposition will result in a tax rate increase.
Royse City ISD Bond 2023: A Collaborative Process
In order to decide on these two proposals, the Bond 2023 Steering Committee met 5 times to study community needs around population growth and finances. Reflecting the collaborative values of the city, the committee consisted of students, staff, parents, grandparents and community members.
Bond 2023 includes two different propositions. Proposition A covers 98.5% of the proposed package and would include:
- A second high school
- The David and Shirley Magness Middle School (Making 3 total middle schools)
- 3 elementary schools
- An early childhood center
- Renovations and expansions to Royse City High School
- Royse Swiney facility upgrades and turf fields for student use
- A new Epps Education Service Center
- A transportation center
- A distribution center
- Security improvements
- Technology infrastructure and fixtures
- Land for future district sites
Proposition B will cover 1.5% of the total proposed package, and would include:
- Home Locker Room for High School #2 at RCISD Stadium
- Additional Restrooms at RCISD Stadium
- Additional Parking at RCISD Stadium
- Additional Entrance & Exit at RCISD Stadium
- Visitor Side Bleacher Expansion at RCISD Stadium
Neither proposition will cause a property tax rate increase. Because the tax base of Royse City is growing, the bond can be passed without a property tax rate increase. If approved, the $863 million total will be funded through district property value growth.
Royse City ISD: A Reflection of a Stellar Community within the Metroplex
With local initiatives like Bond 2023, locals enjoy rapid progress and abundant opportunities without sacrificing the small town feel and overall affordability. The Royse City Independent School District is highly regarded within the Metroplex region, and within the overall state of Texas. Within the Royse City ISD, students have higher math and reading proficiency levels than the state average. In addition, Royse City ISD has a graduation rate of 97%, and is in the top 5% of all Texas schools. Around 35% of high school students are graduating with their associate’s degree, and college level courses are incorporated into school curriculum.
Because Royse City receives superior quality of education without increased taxes, the stellar school district is just one of the many reasons businesses, workers, and families move to Royse City. This growing workforce is also attractive to businesses, helping us to recruit companies who want to be in the Metroplex and have access to a large talent pool. With a robust school system complete with associate degree programs, businesses can find a long-term employee pool in Royse City. Click here to learn more about Royse City’s hometown, open-for business atmosphere.